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I spent some time drawing a couple of dragonflies in Adobe Illustrator and also playing around with “artistic style.” Hopefully one day I’ll get the hang of these vector curves. Until then, just trying to be patient while I play, learn and explore.  As you can see, I was able to reused the harvest moon illustration I created previously.

The Theme of My Work During Immersion

I’d like to backup a bit and talk about my theme as I go through the Immersion 2022 course. This isn’t a requirement of the course. Just something I wanted to do.

Many (many) moons ago I wrote a children’s book that was never published named “The Magic Hour.” I sent it off to a few publishers but it was rejected. I never really did much with the book, but I still liked the story. So I thought I’d use the theme of the story and a subject in the illustrations and patterns I make for Immersion.

It will help keep  me focused and hopefully motivated as I learn how to use Illustrator to create illustrations and pattern designs.

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Picture of Hi, I'm Kerry
Hi, I'm Kerry

...of Curiously Designed. This blog documents my journey as I figure out how to finally pursue a long-held dream of being a working illustrator and designer.

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