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Thoughts for the New Year

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It’s a new year and the energy of the entire world is focused on change. Can you feel it? I like to take some of the worldwide focused energy and aim it at my own desire for change and creating a better life for myself and my husband. A.K.A. new year’s resolutions, but I’d rather think of them as goals.

So what are my goals and plans for 2023?

  1. Get focused. I need to put on my big girl panties and get down to the business of building a career I want. I’ve started a few Pinterest boards based on the book I found in my Little Free Library called “Future Boards.” But it’s time to hunker down and get focused on my big plan, my big dream, and the life I want. Yes, it will be hard, and there will be days and maybe even weeks where I won’t feel like I’m making any progress, but if I do nothing, then I’ll go nowhere and accomplish nothing.
  2. Stop wasting time. I waste too much time on Twitter, Pinterest, and other meaningless activities. It’s time to put an end to that and focus on what I need to do to become a professional creative.
  3. Start sketching more. My drawing and illustration skills are rusty, and I don’t even know what my illustration style is or what I want it to be. But the only way to figure it out is to keep creating, drawing, and illustrating until something clicks.
  4. Learn more about Adobe Illustrator. I want to learn how to use it so well that I can teach it. I also want to learn how to use the plugins that I’m paying for but barely know how to open.
  5. Focus on my health. Menopause has made it harder for me to maintain a healthy weight, and it’s time to start taking better care of myself.
  6. Get better organized. I suspect I have ADHD, and I want to get diagnosed and possibly medicated so that I can learn better coping skills.
  7. Transition my garden to at least a 90% native pollinator garden. I want to support the native pollinators and create an ecosystem within my own yard that does that. One major step in that plan is to plant a native garden with a diverse variety of flowers.

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Picture of Hi, I'm Kerry
Hi, I'm Kerry

...of Curiously Designed. This blog documents my journey as I figure out how to finally pursue a long-held dream of being a working illustrator and designer.

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